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Production Orders of 5 Axis CNC machining from our customer

Sep 02,2019 | Views: 1412

August are a rush month for our company,there has lots of orders from our customer fot their 5 Axis CNC machined parts,as well as their custom CNC machined parts like aftermarket Jet Ski parts,aftermarket racing car parts ect,also we have worked with our customer for many new project:

Prev: What is CNC milling and how does it work? Next: Custom CNC machined parts orders we got this month

About Us

We support 3-axis, 4-axis, 5-axis CNC machining,CNC milling, CNC turning and Lathe as well as right angle milling capabilities to rapidly create designs from simple straight lines to complex geometric shapes. Xometry gives you instant pricing, on-demand lead times, and DFM on materials and manufacturing processes for your custom CNC milled parts, no limit for QTY.

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